Welcome back to the table!
We hope your last week has been full of delicious food and great community. We have yet another recipe for you to try! Like always, it doesn’t take much time, but will always yield delicious results. Salmon with wild rice and green beans! Super simple and super nutritious, not to mention delicious. Trust us when we tell you that green beans and our white wine lemon garlic pair so deliciously together. You can get your kids to eat all vegetables when they can dip into their new favorite white wine lemon garlic sauce.
Let’s get right into it. Making salmon is not hard, we promise. Depending on how you like it, you’ll either cook it more, or cook it less. We like this recipe from the New York Times. You don’t have to follow it meticulously, but sauteeing on the stovetop or searing in the oven is the easiest way to cook salmon, we think.

Salmon with Wild Rice, Broccoli and White Wine Lemon Garlic Finishing Sauce
Serves 4
1 lbs salmon(two medium pieces)
1.5 cup Wild Rice(or more if you are really hungry)
1 cups of broccoli
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ cup baby tomatoes
1-2 Pouches of Le Sauce White Wine Lemon Garlic
Salt & Pepper
Oven Safe pan
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Grab a pot and fill it with water to boil on the stove.(Remember 2 cups of water for every cup of rice)
Once it’s boiling, pour in your rice. Turn off the stove top and cover it for about 20 minutes.
On the stovetop, grab your cast iron pan and melt two tablespoons of butter. Add your two pieces of salmon (4 oz each) to the pan on top of the melted butter. Cook for three minutes on high heat. Transfer your oven safe pan into the oven and cook for about 8-10 minutes.
While the salmon and rice are cooking, grab your broccoli from the fridge and pour all of it into a pot with a strainer or microwave safe bowl. If you've chosen the stovetop, you can turn it on now. Also grab your White Wine Lemon Garlic Finishing Sauce.
Tear open your finishing sauce and either pour it into a saucepan or microwave safe bowl. If you have opted for a saucepan, pour it into the saucepan on low heat.
Cut up your baby tomatoes or leave them whole. Then put the broccoli in the microwave if you've opted for the microwave for about two minutes.
Once the salmon timer has gone off, take it out of the oven and let it rest for 2-3 minutes.
If you opted for a finishing sauce microwave safe bowl, pop that bowl in the microwave and heat it up for about 30 seconds. If that’s not warm enough, put it in for ten seconds longer at a time until it is to your liking.
Once that resting time is up, feel free to cut your salmond to your liking and serve it over a plate of wild rice.
Enjoy the deliciousness!