It’s about the meal.
It’s about those gathered around the table.
It’s about the connection and conversation that comes only when a shared experience happens.
In this case, the experience is the meal.
You likely have a memory like this. Maybe it was at your grandmother’s table or your mother’s or perhaps your father’s Sunday supper. It’s about connecting in a way that only food, family and friends truly can.
At Le Sauce & Co, we’re all about those days and hours of lingering at the table, talking about anything,sharing genuinely, making memories. Together, we are joined in a common experience connected by a meal.
To make this magic happen, the food must be really good. It must come from a place of love and giving around the table.So savor those moments spent there.Your dinner table is a sanctuary, enabled by all those around you.
Our mission is to help bring people together through food. Join us on our quest and share a memorable meal with us.