What Is LeSauce?
Le Sauce Gourmet Finishing Sauces transform everyday meals into memorable food experiences—in minutes! Each inspired recipe was specially crafted to complementandunifyeverythingon your plate. All you do is heat and serve with your favorite foods.
How Do You Use LeSauce?
Whether you’re having meat, seafood, vegetables or grains, LeSauce delights with everymouthwateringbite.Welike toaddLeSaucejust before serving, drizzling over everything on the plate to bring together and enhance all ofthedeliciousflavors.You can also use some of the Le Sauce recipes during the final stages of cooking, mixing into your nearly finished dish.(And be sure to save some for mopping up every tasty morsel with crusty bread!)
What Foods Are Best With Le Sauce?
Steak. Chicken. Pork. Fish. Grilled vegetables. Potatoes. Steamed rice. Le Sauce goes great with just about everything, helping you save time and add variety night after night.Fresh, fragrantandfull-flavored, they’re the perfect finish to please your family and guests any time.HowDoICookLeSauce?We’ve done the cooking for you! Every bottle represents hours of handcrafted preparation, taste testing and refinement, so you can have dinner on the table in no time. Simply simmer for about 5 minutes, or microwave for about 60 seconds. Then let LeSauce flow, adding rich depths of flavor to your entire meal.