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Chicken, Green Beans, and Wild Rice Power Bowl




  • 1 Le Sauce & Co. Classic Green Peppercorn Sauce Packet

  • 1 Rotisserie Chicken

  • 1 Microwave Long Grain & Wild Rice Packet

  • 1/2 cup Frozen Cut Green Beans

  • 1/4 cup Slivered almonds or Walnuts

  • 1/8 cup Sesame Seeds


  • Microwave

  • Cutting board


1.  Shred rotisserie chicken.

2.  Prepare microwave rice according to package.

3.  Prepare green beans according to package.

4.  Arrange ingredients in a bowl.

5.  Sprinkle almonds over ingredients.

5.  Drizzle Le Sauce & Co. Classic Green Peppercorn Sauce over bowl.

6.  Sprinkle sesame seeds over sauce.

7.  Microwave to warm through and mix.

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